Hacking Cassandra

January 10th, 2014 by Nathan Potter

Tadas (@tadasv) looked at implementing HyperLogLog in Cassandra during hack-week. Checkout his blog post on hacking cassandra. Keep reading
Our average traffic at Chartbeat has grown about 33% over the last year and depending on news events, we can see our traffic jump 33% or more in a single day.  Recently we’ve begun investigating ways we can improve performance for handling this traffic through our systems.  We set out and collected additional metrics from […] Keep reading
  Hack Weeks at Chartbeat are always a time of joy. A time of joy for trying and learning new things. It’s a great opportunity for everyone at the company to stretch their minds and tackle new challenges they wouldn’t otherwise experience. We get to pair up with people we don’t usually get a chance […] Keep reading

Chartbeat Tech Talks

November 8th, 2012 by beaufour

We are doing so many interesting things at Chartbeat Engineering, and we try our best to share our experiences at conferences and meetups. Here are a few of the recent ones (all of them can be found here). I recently gave a talk at New York Times’ TimesOpen event about how to handle scale: Tom […] Keep reading

Our Development VM

September 24th, 2012 by beaufour

Introduction Like at most other places, we at Chartbeat strive to have the development environment resemble the production environment as much as possible. It should also be easy to maintain and keep up to date. So we set out to implement a “Development Virtual Machine” (Dev VM), with the following requirements: same OS as production […] Keep reading
Last Thursday (October 18, 2011), we had a MongoDB meetup at Chartbeat HQ. I gave one of the presentations in this meetup, and talked about our experience of running MongoDB on EC2. Check out the talk if you are interested in learning more on how Chartbeat evolved from a single/simple cluster, master-slave configuration to leveraging […] Keep reading
Here at chartbeat, we have been running MongoDB on EC2 for more than a year. Recently we transitioned from our master/slave configuration to replica sets. The benefits of replica sets are clear, especially in an environment like EC2 where node failures are a part of the routine; it lowers the oversight cost of dealing with […] Keep reading