Archive for September, 2014

Scott Murray’s D3 Tutorials are so good that he eventually turned them into a book. Luckily for you, he kept the originals up on the web.

An Engineer’s Guide to Stock Options by Alex MacCaw breaks down what every engineer should know.

You say you’re clustering data but don’t know how many clusters to expect? Applying a Dirichlet process to infinite mixture models is one elegant solution.


Opinionated AngularJS styleguide for teams – Angular style and architecture are evolving constantly but this is a very reasonable approach and guide from Todd Motto, with excellent justifications for each decision.

Revolutionary Technique That Quietly Changed Machine Vision Forever – Deep neural networks are steadily marching toward dominance when measured by their performance in image recognition competitions, and the article points to the obvious: at this rate, they will soon outperform humans.

A Fun Crypto Puzzle  A brain teaser that’s so deviously simple it’s almost impossible to figure out. Give it some deep thought before you google a solution!

Happy Friday!

Medium’s CSS is actually pretty f***ing good – @fat tells a good story about medium’s evolution of how they write css. Oh, and while he was evolving it he created a new font.

The Robo-Chemist – Researchers are now taking leaps towards building an robotic chemist. Using a combination of software, robotics, and lots of data teams are trying to solve some fundamental questions about how to build a chemical brain.

Utopian for Beginners – Joshua Foer’s look at John Quijada’s conlang (an invented language) called Ithkuil that attempts to eliminate all ambiguity. There are shades of Einstein in the story, as Quijada, a 53 year old DMV worker, completed a momental feat of language design which spontaneously generated an international community and netted hi adoring fans. He just didn’t anticipate the Russian super-race movement led by a Ukrainian terrorist that would adopt his work.

Happy Friday!